Car painting

Photo by ©belchonock /

What does the job of painting a car contain? This is quite time-consuming and scrupulous process.

Painting a car consists of several important stages:

  • Body preparation (straightening, removal of the old paint film, dismantling);
  • Leveling the surface with luting;
  • Sanding;
  • Primer;
  • Drawing a new paint and varnish covering;
  • Grinding and polishing.

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It is possible to carry out painting work only on a clean body, so the first thing that needs to be done before painting the car is to visit the nearest car wash.

As you can see, the main process is preceded by several preparatory stages. The aesthetic parameters and the technical characteristics of the finished coating ultimately depend on how carefully all the work is performed. Simply put, you will have to try heartily to continue to get a car shining with new paint that will not fall off in pieces in the nearest future. First of all, identify any coating defects that need to be corrected. If there are dents on the body, the first thing is to trim them. To do this, from within several times hit the metal with a rubber hammer, straightening the bend.

Chips, dents, cracks, scratches on the body are circled with chalk in order not to miss anything, and proceed to their treatment. Stripping before painting is performed close to the boundaries of damage, ensuring that the transitions are smooth, imperceptible. To recognize the irregularities and roughness, you can palm over the surface.

Acquired paint should dry under natural conditions. These indicators correspond to the paint and acrylic enamel. The first is used if you only need to paint a separate part of the car (splasher, hood, door). Nitroemal dries in just 30 minutes, it is a definite plus.

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