Every woman wants to be attractive and strive to do everything possible to achieve this goal. Excessive hair in some places always require removal. Therefore, one of the most popular services of beauty salons is hair removal, performed with the help of different tools and techniques.
What are the advantages of laser hair removal?
The effectiveness of laser hair removal is one of its main advantages, thanks to which this method is so popular. The results are visible after the first session in centros de depilacion laser, and with each subsequent one, the client has less undesirable hair. The skin remains smooth for 1-2 months or more between sessions (depending on the area).
There is an opinion: to get rid of unwanted hair, laser hair removal should be every 3-4 weeks. This is absolutely wrong. After a full course, which averages 6-8 sessions for body and 8-12 for face, up to 90% of the hair go away forever!
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