Making a brilliant presentation

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Speaking to an audience is a responsible task. That is why you need to prepare a great report to interest the audience. The worst thing is to start posing in font of a large number of people. There are several techniques for an intriguing start. Tell people an interesting, exciting story. As a rule, if a report begins with such a narration and the public will be interested in the first 60 seconds. Ask a rhetorical question. It helps to convince the main part of the public. Start a report with statistics. As a rule, statistics have listeners.

Come up with a bright headline, thanks to which the audience will be interested in the topic from the very first seconds.

Start a report with a wise quote or statement from a famous person to add a statement of attractiveness and special style. However, all wise words should relate exclusively to the topic of the report.

Do not spend too much time for speaking. It is best to try to keep within 20 minutes. During this time, people will not get tired and will actively discuss this report.

Do not stretch the words and do not speak too quickly. Imagine that you are telling an interesting story.

Do you want to be heard? You need to be constantly in sight, to maintain visual contact with the audience and speak clearly.

Show an illustration or a small presentation. Such an approach will add insight, and people will surely remember the report only on the positive side. Google powerpoint will help you make a great presentation.

You need to choose such content so that during the presentation the listener looks into the phone with only one purpose – to make photos of slides, and not to check the Facebook feed. Use free keynote templates to make the process easier.

Some listeners hate it when the speaker repeats the text placed on the slides of his presentation. You must explain in your own words the information on each slide. Otherwise you risk that your audience will simply fall asleep.

Do not make too small font in the presentation. You can come up with a brilliant text for each slide, but all your creative work will be for nothing if this text cannot be read.

In 2012, The New York Times made an experiment called “Are you an optimist or a pessimist?” Participants had to read an excerpt from the book and answer “yes” or “no” to a few questions. The purpose of the experiment: to determine whether the font affects the reader’s confidence in the text. Forty thousand people participated, who were shown the same paragraph typed in different fonts: Comic Sans, Computer Modern, Georgia, Trebuchet, Baskerville, Helvetica. The result is as follows: the text written in Comic Sans and Helvetica fonts did not inspire readers’ confidence, but the Baskerville font, on the contrary, received consent and approval. According to psychologists, this is due to its formal appearance.

Before the performance, you need to choose clear illustrations of your key message. It does not matter what you sell – lunch boxes, your own advice or life insurance.

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